This weekend I got laid. How was yours?
On 2006-01-16 at 6:46 p.m.

This weekend I got laid. How was yours?

Holy slut, I am updating. Now that that is over lets move on.

I went to a relaxacon near me this weekend. If you don�t know what it is I will simplify, it is a reason for people to get together drink, discuss and have relations with people they don�t see often.

I did just that. Although my 10 months of celibacy officially ended on the 8th this was a good change of pace than normal. On Friday I got with someone who could potentially get me in trouble but whatever. On Saturday I was covered in latex then ripped out of it. I spent a good deal of time at various restaurants with only the best people. Even though I didn�t sleep with the one I thought I was going to I still got busy. It was a good weekend over all. I solved problems and acted crazy and I didn�t even drink. This Sunday is my 21st birthday so more festivities to follow.

I feel like I should describe more of the weekend so you can see how fun it really was but I don�t know what to say. I am going to make different kinds of Doll clothes for the more kinky connoisseur. I am thinking a bondage Barbie, and a mistress one for right now if that says anything about my weekend.

Well I have to go.

<< Save the Empire>>

One of a Kind Design

Random 2285. I'm an aquarian in every sense of the word. I'm 21. I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. No, not really, about the pina colada part at least. I'm a straight up vodka girl.

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- 2006-01-16